3D Modeling

Virtually Anything You Can Dream Of

3 dimensional objects and worlds designed to aid learning and provide impact in web sites, presentations, and print material.


NSC Vitual Science Center

Interactive kiosk developed for the National Science Center. The kiosk, developed using web-based technologies, showcases over 250 exhibits. Virtual Reality Mark-up (VRML) was used to build the exhibits. Patrons of the museum can navigate through all the museum’s exhibits in this virtual, 3D rendered museum, examining the exhibits and reviewing key information and concepts.



NSC X-ray Kiosk

Interactive kiosk developed for the National Science Center. The kiosk uses 3D models of airport x-ray machinery and its control panels to allow patrons to operate the virtual x-ray machine. Patrons determine weather a hazard exists and learn about the different types of examination machines used at airports.



AT&T Business Marketing Division

Provided 3D models and other art work to this strategic business unit of AT&T for use on its corporate intranet and internal marketing.



Assorted Projects